Innovation and creativity cornerstones in the winning solutions

Winners of DigiEduHack 2019: Italy, Spain and Mexico

Among 130 innovative solutions, co-created in local DigiEduHack events in 21 countries, 10 finalists were selected out from 33 winning local solutions. More than 4200 people all over the globe voted for their favorite solution. The winning teams are coming from Italy, Spain and Mexico.

Charlotta Järf, Communications Manager, 08.12.2019

DigiEduHack gathered more than 1700 participants solving 60 challenges simultaneously during 24 hours, in 21 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, South and North America. The result was more than 130 solutions to today’s and the future’s biggest challenges in digital education. The innovations, coming from all corners of the globe, are presenting solutions to a range of challenges in the digital age. The judging criteria were relevance, quality, originality, feasibility, transferability, and sustainability.

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The winning solutions

Three winners were chosen by the global audience - here they are presented in random order: 

Solution idea: Using artificial intelligence to create better teams on the basis of information from co-evaluations of individual skills and overall teamwork performance and satisfaction.

Solution idea: A scientific escape room as a virtual tool to provide students with an immersive learning experience and enhance digital education in science literacy. In the Science Escape Room, different avatars will interact with scientific objects to allow the invisible world to become visible. Check out their video here!

Solution idea: Student4Student is a mobile platform for last year high school students who are interested in learning more about career options in Informatics and getting in touch with university students who already pursue such studies. The platform aims to encourage specifically young female students to continue their education in the Informatics area, as a way to achieve better gender balance in the IT industry.
Check out their video here!

The three winning teams will be awarded with 5000 euros each and they will become EU’s Digital Education Ambassadors. More information about the award ceremony will be available shortly. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth at the European Commission commented on the winning solutions:
“I warmly congratulate the three winning teams at the very first DigiEduHack! They have become ‘Digital Education Ambassadors’ who will promote high‐quality education in the digital age. The winning projects reflect the diverse nature of digital education, and I am looking forward to seeing them come to life.”


Virtual exciting learning experience 

The team Science Escape Room from Valenzano, Italy, representing the school IPS Capozzi-Galilei, have created a Science Escape Room:

"The Science Escape Room allows users to learn in an engaging way, by playing in a virtual environment where famous scientists interact with them as avatars and where abstract notions are transformed into virtual experiences. Knowledge, like in a game, is lived as a challenge."

"We believe our escape room is able to motivate and stimulate learners’ understanding of scientific notions. Focusing on participants’ internal motivation to perform a task in the virtual world, it encourages new learning processes where the student occupies a central and active position."

Platform for attracting female IT students

How get female students to pursue university careers in IT and STEM? DigiEduHack finalist team Student4Student from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, created an online platform to solve the issue of not attracting enough female students into IT.

“Student4Student is a mobile platform for last year high school students who are interested in learning more about career options in Informatics and getting in touch with university students who already pursue such studies. The platform aims at encouraging specifically young female students to continue their education in the Informatics area, as a way to achieve better gender balance in the IT industry.”

AI for creating better teams

How can artificial intelligence be used to create better teams, based on individual skills and overall teamwork performance and satisfaction? DigiEduHack finalist Teaming 4.0. from Institute of Technology and Higher Education in Monterrey, Mexico, has the solution.

“Creating a team for a project is not always an easy task for students nor teachers. Teaming 4.0 offers a software based solution that allows students to log in, find their active projects and choose their teammates on the basis of peers' and teachers' evaluation. In each team, a student can assess his or her teammates’ skills and the overall satisfaction with the team. At the same time, the teacher can evaluate the work done and the team performance. Artificial intelligence (AI) will make use of these evaluations and match profiles with a higher rate of success and better performance possibilities.”

The first selection of the DigiEduHack finalists was done by the DigiEduHack Steering Group members, who are all experts in digital education and who are representing different countries in Europe. The evaluation was coordinated by the European Commission. All in all, the DigiEduHack Steering Group evaluated 33 winning solutions from all the 21 countries involved in DigiEduHack around the globe. All the votes were processed by an international data analysis team, to verify that the votes are valid and accurate. DigiEduHack is is an EIT initiative under the European Commission's Digital Education Action Plan, led by EIT Climate-KIC and coordinated by Aalto University.